Additional Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from my first appointment?

During your first appointment I will spend some time getting to know you, your history, and your goals for physical therapy. I will perform a detailed assessment and come up with a physical therapy plan of care. The assessment may include looking at your posture, movement patterns, your joint range of motion, assessing your muscle strength, and a hands on assessment of any tissue restriction. I will provide initial treatment, usually first addressing your primary concern (as sometimes patients may have multiple things going on), and I may provide you with an initial exercise or activity to perform at home.

What can I expect from pelvic floor PT?

Similarly, as stated above, during your first session, I will spend time getting to know you, your history, and your goals. The examination for the first session may include an orthopedic assessment, as described above, and/or the following as described below: abdominal assessment, external pelvic floor muscle assessment, and/or internal pelvic floor assessment. Based on what we discuss at the start of the session (and each subsequent session), I will give you my recommendation for the kind of assessment that would be most helpful to perform. Given your comfort level, we will agree on what kind of assessment we will perform that day. Assessment is ongoing, its okay to leave some things to the follow up sessions. Assessment and treatment are always based on your comfort level and consent.

Abdominal/Hip Assessment: May include hip range of motion, hip muscle strength assessment, abdominal strength assessment, observational assessment of breathing, ribcage and pelvis position, diaphragm mobility, hands on assessment of lower back, glute, inner thigh, and abdominal muscle restriction, scar tissue restriction, and visceral (organ) fascial restriction.

External Pelvic Floor Muscle Assessment: May include visual assessment of the skin and/or pelvic floor muscle function (e.g., when cued to perform a kegel contraction do the muscles contract, are they coordinated, do the muscles contract with a cough, assessment of prolapse, etc.), hands on assessment of pelvic floor muscle restriction (can be over clothes or on the skin) of the following regions: pubic symphysis, perineal, glute, area along the pelvic bone, area along the sitz bones.

Internal Pelvic Floor Muscle Assessment: With a gloved finger I will be able to most specifically assess the function of your pelvic floor muscles including but not limited to the following: more specific prolapse assessment, perineal scar assessment, pelvic floor muscle strength/coordination assessment of superficial to deep muscles, assessment of pelvic floor muscle restriction (trigger points) ranging from superficial to deeper pelvic floor muscles, other scar tissue or visceral/fascial restriction.

What is PtEverywhere?

When working with me you will be able to access your patient portal on a software called PtEverywhere. It also has an app you can download on your phone/tablet. On there you can view your schedule, your documents, bills, reimbursement forms, message me, and access your home exercise program (videos) for your reference.

What do I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in. You may be moving through different positions, or laying on your back, side, or face down on the treatment table, so comfortable clothes/athleisure is perfect.